SS United States Conservancy Oral History Project

Episode 5: A Gala Cruise with Roberta reiner

Recorded February 3rd, 2021


Former passenger Roberta Reiner sat down with the SS United States Conservancy to discuss her fond memories aboard the Big U. From a costume contest to a first class suite, 20 year old Roberta got to live the high life on board the SS United States.

Continue scrolling below to help the memories come to life while you listen to Episode 5!

Boarding (above): The efficiency and luxury of the United States Line began before the guests crossed the gangway with the streamlined service on the pier. (Photo courtesy of Christina Hoffman)

Sheepdog (left) and Kennel Attendant (above): One of the perks of luxury liner travel was that your dog could accompany you across the ocean! Lucky pups traveling on board the Big U even had their own attendant, like Julias Essig, shown here at Le Havre, France. (Photos courtesy of Kenneth Karlin and Bill Krudener respectively)

Duke and Duchess of Windsor(below): SSUS’s First Class Dining Room was often graced with the presence of actors, politicians, and occasionally, royalty! The Duke and Duchess of Windsor are shown seated and lavishly dressed. Their royal taste is on display both with their elegant dress and caviar spread they share with their guest. (photo courtesy of John Gustave Kunze)

First Class Lounge and Suite (above) The First Class accommodations aboard SS United States were truly in a category of their own. Exemplifying the mid century modern aesthetic of the ship’s interior design, First Class truly offered passengers a voyage they would never forget. (Photos are courtesy of Mark B. Perry.)

Shuffleboard: Main deck activities, like volleyball and shuffleboard, were popular with guests and were available at almost any time of the day or night. (photo courtesy of Janette Gautier)

Costume Party: The entertainment options onboard the United States were nearly endless. From sports played on deck, to shows in the lounges and theaters, to costume contests, there was something for everyone. (Courtesy of Roberta Reiner)


Thank you for joining us as we explore memories and histories of the SS United States through the people that served or travelled on board! If you are interested in participating in The Observation Lounge, please click here.

Music for this project is courtesy of Incompetech and Kevin MacLeod

Pennsylvania Rose by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: